Popular Articles

  1. Do something automatically when a task is complete

    Tasks that you add to a sequence can be used to satisfy a task completion goal. Once all the required tasks are complete, the goal is satisfied and the automation will continue. The task completion goal must be preceded by at least one sequence cont...
  2. Send Picture Messages (MMS)

    Please Note! This feature requires the free mobile app, Keap Business Line and is not available in  Text Marketing Follow these instructions to send an MMS text message from your Keap app: To select a picture to send to a contact in a m...
  3. Who is WePay?

    WePay closed its UK operations in August 2023. Customers will not be able to add a new WePay connection to their Keap account. There will be more information to come. WePay is the payment technology company that Keap has partnered with for paymen...
  4. Make outbound calls with Keap | Keap Business Line

    You and up to 4 of your team members can use your Keap Business Line to make outbound calls
  5. URIBL Greylisting

    How do links on the URIBL Greylist affect email delivery? URIBL maintains three types of lists: white, grey and black. URIBL "blacklistings" have the most impact because it is enabled by default among email administrators. "Greylist...
  6. Global Action Button

    The global action button on the Dashboard allows access to key actions from anywhere in the Keap application. Use the button to add contacts, create a task, send an email, or add a note to a contact record. You may also see options to use Smart For...
  7. Legacy Landing Pages - Adding Anchors

    Add a call-to-action button to your landing page. For example, you may have your lead capture form at the top of the page and want a call to action at the bottom of the page that quickly moves them back to the section that contains the web form. ...
  8. Legacy Landing Pages - Hidden Fields

    Click on the form you would like to change Click on the field you would like to change and set it to hidden. Be sure to republish your Landing Page ...
  9. GDPR Helper Campaign Instructions

    These instructions will help you download and configure the GDPR Helper Campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to help you better manage the personal information that you store for persons residing in the European Union which is covered by GDPR l...
  10. Keap Mobile: Contacts add a task

    Navigate to Contacts Tap on a contact Tap on the More button Tap on Tasks Once a Note is created for a contact, tap on the Notes Activity card ...