Tasks dashboard widget

This article applies to:


  • The Tasks widget shows a list of tasks sorted by due date

  • Checking a task will mark it as complete

  • You can uncheck a task if you accidentally marked it as complete

  • Tasks that you marked as Complete will no longer be visible the next time you load your Dashboard, but can still be found on the Tasks page

  • Click View all tasks to view all tasks that you have created

Notifications and nudges

  • An email notification for a new task will go out if the task's assigned user is not signed into Keap.
  • Setting a Reminder will both send an email and a nudge on the mobile app
  • The assigned user will get a notice of completion by email if a different user completes their task

Add a task

  1. Click the Add item button

  2. Enter a Task title, Due date and time

  3. Reminder: Create a reminder that will notify you (via email) prior to the due date/time.

  4. Enter a Note
  5. Select an Associated contact

  6. Choose an Assigned user - This user will receive the reminders and notifications for the task
  7. Click Save