Play Blueprint: Customer Survey

This article applies to:

Why Run It: To get feedback from your customers to find out who your fans are (and follow up with them accordingly) and who your less-

Who It's For: Businesses that need to fill their funnel with new prospects

Implementation time: 30-45min

Play Snapshot

This play revolves around the design and delivery of a survey upon completion of business with your new customers. This can be as simple as “On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your experience with our company/product/service?” You want to find out who is happy and who is less-than happy.

This is important for a couple of reasons. Customer feedback is great for refining your products and services and fixing deficiencies in your execution. Customer feedback also provides the opportunity to create customized automated follow up. The positive survey respondents are more likely to give you a positive review, a referral, or a repeat purchase, so we’ll automate that. The negative survey respondents need personal follow up before they become detractors, so we’ll automate that as well. You have a legitimate opportunity to fix that relationship and turn them into loyal promoters of your brand.

Play Components:

1. The Survey

There should be .

2. Survey Reminders

Your opt-in is an online form that captures the contact information for visitors who want access to your lead magnet. The form may be embedded in your website, on a popup, or integrated into a dedicated landing page. It’s important to communicate the value of the lead magnet and make the steps very clear. People who want the lead magnet will fill out the form to give you their contact information in exchange for getting access to the lead magnet. 

Best Practice:

The copy promoting the lead magnet should sell the lead magnet, not your product or service.

The more contact information you require, the less likely potential leads will be to fill out your form. Most lead capture forms should include first name (for personalizing emails) and email address (so you can follow up!). If you plan to send text messages or make follow-up calls, collect mobile number.

For increased personalization of messages, you may consider adding one single dropdown field to capture the biggest problem your lead has, relative to your offering (e.g. “What is your biggest parenting challenge?”)

3. Follow Up

Your delivery system ensures new opt-ins get access to the lead magnet. Usually this is done through email or text messages that link to the content, or provide access credentials.

Best Practice:

You may want to include additional follow-up nudges a few days after the initial send in case the lead does not take the desired action to download the lead magnet.

Below is your action plan that breaks down the tactics and tasks of each step -- and details the assets and content you'll need to execute this play like a pro.

You can create a simple survey in Keap using the web form builder, and I do recommend keeping it simple. You can do this effectively with two questions.

Question 1: Use a Checkbox Field Type and create a custom field to ask “How would you rate your experience with our company?”  Create checkbox options from 1 to 10 to select from.

Question 2: Use a Text Area Field Type to create a custom field to ask “Tell us more about your answer to question 1”.

Now you can ask your customers to “please take a moment to fill out your 2 question survey”.

Of course, you can ask whatever you want in your survey, but the 1 to 10 question gives you some great data to use to create rules in your automation (decision diamond in Advanced Automation builder) that will send happy people one type of follow up and less-happy people another, based on the number they select.

Checkpoints to Launch

Lite/Pro/Max Create your Survey using the Public form builder
Pro,Max,Max Classic (Advanced automations) Create a web form 

The survey request is going to be a series of automated emails that will be launched by applying a tag to the contact record. Name the tag something obvious like “Start Survey Request Campaign” so it’s easy to find and easy to understand if you see it in a contact’s tag history. You can’t count on the customer filling out the survey on the first try. Even if they want to fill it out, people get distracted and forget. I recommend having at least 4 variations of the survey request email separated by a 2 or 3 day timer. The CTA in the email is to “click to complete the survey”. Use the completion of the survey web form as your end goal to this series of emails.

Checkpoints to Launch:

Create your launch automation launch tag, name it: “Start Survey Request Campaign”
Following the launch tag, build 4 variations of the survey request email separated by delay timers (2 to 3 days each)
Use the link to your survey as the CTA in each email
Use the “form submitted” goal to stop the sequence of emails when the survey is completed by a customer.

Now comes the fun part.

Decision Diamonds

In the advanced automation builder, you can add two (or more) different sequences behind your web form submitted goal. This will automatically populate the decision diamond. Double clicking the decision diamond lets you set the rules for the direction a contact goes once they have submitted the webform. We want Happy customers to go into one sequence and less-happy customers to go into another. I recommend everyone giving you a score of 7,8,9,10 to be considered a happy customer and everyone 6 and below a less happy customer. Set the rules in the decision diamond accordingly

The sequence for the happy customers should start with a tag denoting their happy customer status.This tag can also launch other plays like the Request a Testimonial or Review Play. If you add emails to this sequence, they should include a Thank you message, a special offer, an upsell or cross sell offer, a request for a review or testimonial, etc. 

The sequence for the less-happy customers should start with a tag denoting their less-happy customer status.This sequence should include an internal task for personal follow up to fix their issue and an email letting them know that you value their feedback and someone will be reaching out personally to assist them.

Checkpoints to Launch:

Create a sequence for happy customers and connect it to the form submitted goal
Create a sequence for less-happy customers and connect it to the form submitted goal
Create the rules in the decision diamond to separate the happy customers from the less-happy customers into the different sequences of follow-up

Success Metrics

Primary Metric: # of Opt Ins

Measure from an Easy Automation:

[ COMING SOON: Tutorials for the best way to measure this metric ]

Common Next Plays

  • Request a Referral

  • Testimonial or Review Request

  • Personalized Check In