Play Blueprint: Personalized Check In

This article applies to:

Why Run It: To send a personalized message to wow clients and prospects.

Who It's For: Business owners, operators, and salespeople can use this play as a great tool to create fans and convert clients.  You’ll never miss an opportunity to follow up, reinforce an offer, or simply stay “top of mind” with anyone – inside or outside the business.

Implementation time: 15-20min

Play Snapshot

This campaign is all about helping you stay in-touch with certain prospects or customers.  We all know how critical follow-up is in the sales process, but sometimes we forget or get side tracked, and critical follow up doesn’t happen. 

This play is about creating an automated process that can remind you to follow up at the right time, with the right people, when it’s important. This might be a check-in after a sales call, or for someone who attended a webinar or an event, or any other reason a contact might require a personalized follow up. 

Pro Tip: Don’t simply execute this play to “say hello!”  Make sure, no matter how you go about checking in, to include a “next step” or an offer.  You don’t need to be “salesy,” but share a link to an offer, or a link to schedule a call.  You want to make it easy to keep the conversation going.   

Play Components:

1. Event/Trigger

An effective lead magnet draws visitors in with an irresistible force. It promises something of value to visitors. You’ll exchange this thing of value for their contact information. This is a great play to capture visitors even if they aren’t ready to buy from you right away. Lead magnets come in many shapes and sizes, but the key is to understand your customer’s problem and create something of value to kick the relationship off on the right foot.

2. Task Creation

Your opt-in is an online form that captures the contact information for visitors who want access to your lead magnet. The form may be embedded in your website, on a popup, or integrated into a dedicated landing page. It’s important to communicate the value of the lead magnet and make the steps very clear. People who want the lead magnet will fill out the form to give you their contact information in exchange for getting access to the lead magnet. 

3. Send the Message

Your delivery system ensures new opt-ins get access to the lead magnet. Usually this is done through email or text messages that link to the content, or provide access credentials.

Below is your in-depth action plan that breaks down the strategy and tactics of each step and details the assets, content, skills, and specific actions to follow to execute this play like a pro. 

We’re going to create an Internal form to trigger this personalized follow-up automation. You can access this form from any contact record. We want to have fields for name and email, as well as a text area for the reason you will follow up, and check boxes for a range of time increment options for your follow up task.

Checkpoints to Launch

Create your internal form

When you submit the Personalized check-in Internal form, you might want a Touching Base email to go out to the contact. Something as simple as “It was great connecting with you today, If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at this number and email.”

This is a nice personal touch to your interaction and keeps your business top-of-mind with your prospect or customer.

Checkpoints to Launch:

Following the Internal form you just created, create a personalized touching-base email. Use merge fields in the subject line and in the intro of your email to add personalization.

When the form is submitted, the personalized “Touching-base” email goes out and we want the automation to generate our follow up task at the time interval we chose by selecting an option in the “when to follow-up check box.

We’re going to use a decision diamond in the advanced automation builder to make this happen.

Checkpoints to Launch:

Create a sequence for every follow up time in the “when to follow up” checkbox field. Have a delay timer  and a call task in every sequence. Set the delay timer based on the checkbox selection for that sequence and then configure the call task.
Connect all 5 sequences to the Internal form (the decision diamond will automatically populate when you do this).
Configure the rules in the decision diamond to segment based on the internal form checkbox selection.
Publish and test

Success Metrics

Primary Metric: Sentiment

This is a harder play to measure the success of, as it may largely depend on what you want the contact to do next -- and then you'll measure that. 

[ COMING SOON: Tutorials for the best way to measure this metric ]

Common Next Plays

  • Testimonial Request
  • Referral Request