Set up a product
Click on your user avatar and choose Settings
Click Products and services
Click Add a product or service to create a new item or click Edit on an existing item to update it
Enter a product name, description and price
Click Add or Save
Collect sales tax
You can add a tax on each individual product. First, you'll need to set up your tax and then apply it to your products. You can set up multiple taxes
- Go to the Taxes tab
- Click the Add button and choose Sales tax
- Name the tax to be collected and enter the percentage
- Click Create and add sales tax
- Now, click on the Products tab
- Click Edit on a product
- Check the box to apply the sales tax
- Click Save
- The tax will now be collected on the checkout page
Product Automation
While setting up your products, you can view, edit or create a brand new automation.
- Click the number to view the automation(s) associated with the product
- You can now make any changes to an existing automation
- Or, you can create a new one, by clicking the Plus button
- Click When
- Choose Purchase is made
- Choose the product
- Click to choose what will be automated
- Choose what things will happen
- Click Publish when you are finished
Keap Academy