New Landing Pages - Automatically pre-fill landing page from link

This article applies to:

When your contact clicks on a link from either a Broadcast email or an Advanced Automation email to one of your landing pages, the landing page will automatically populate any existing information from the contacts record. This feature will help to improve your landing page conversion rate.

Broadcast Email & Advanced Automation Email

Any normal text hyperlink or button hyperlink will be automatically configured to prefill the landing page once your contacts clicks the link in an email - there is no other configuration necessary on your part. Note that this will also work for the older or "legacy" email builders as well.


This will NOT work if you simply copy and past a link into the email template. When you use the button link or hyperlink tools in the email builder, it will automatically register as a Keap link and will be configured automatically when the email is sent.

Button hyperlink

Text hyperlink