Email engagement report - manage status, tag open, and view reported spam

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The email status search report will display a list of contacts based on their email status (i.e. bounce, opt-in, opt-out, etc.). Here are the most used search criteria and an example of the results. 

Manage the marketability status of contacts

Manage the marketability status of your contact by opting in, validating, sending a confirmation email, or unsubscribing them manually.

  1. Go to Reports in the left menu

  2. Click Email engagement tracker

  3. Go to Columns

  4. Click Add a field

  5. Search for Manage Status

  6. Add any other fields or search criteria

  7. Click Search

  8. Click Edit located under the Manage Status column

  9. From the Current status tab, you can:

    • Indicate that you have permission to market to this address - If the contacts were imported and/or manually added without indicating permission, you can indicate it was given here.

    • Mark this address as valid - When an email address sends back a hard bounce error you can validate it. For more information regarding email bounce, click here

    • Send confirmation email - If you have permission to market to an address, you can send a confirmation email including a link the contact can click to confirm their email address.

    • Manually opt-out this address - select Default Opt-Out from the drop-down list. This contact will no longer receive marketing emails from your automations and broadcasts. You can still send them one-off emails.

Find contacts who reported spam or provided feedback

  1. Go to Reports in the left menu

  2. Click Email engagement tracker

  3. Add the Provided Feedback and Reported Spam email statuses to your search criteria and ensure the Email Status option is set to "contacts any" 
    • Provided Feedback: The person marked the email as spam through their ISP (e.g. AT&T, CenturyLink, etc.)
    • Reported Spam: The person marked the email as spam through an Keap opt-out link. When this happens, the person has the option to add additional feedback
  4. Open the Columns tab
  5. Click Add a field
  6. Add the Status and Manage status fields along with any other fields you want to include in your search results
  7. Click Search
  8. Click Edit located under the Manage Status column
  9. Open the Status History tab to read the comments the contact posted when they registered an internal spam complaint.
  10. Comments are not required. If you do not see any comments, the person who submitted the spam complaint did not post a comment.