With Keap Appointments, you can manage your schedule by viewing, rescheduling, or canceling appointments with ease. Quickly send your booking link to contacts via email or text, or use share the link online or in an automation. Note : To...
Appointments - Connect Google calendar
The Appointment booking page is for your clients to choose a time that works best for both parties, by allowing you to block out the days you are not available, searching your multiple Google calendars to remove any conflicts, which only leaves truly available time slots.
Appointments - Connect Outlook Calendar
Connect an Outlook Calendar Navigate to My Day > Appointments - or by going to Setting s >Integrations Click Set up Appointments Choose Outlook Calendar Sign in to Outlook with your email address and password Click Y...
Appointments - Set up your booking page
Once your Google calendar or Outlook calendar has been connected to Keap, you will set up your booking page. In this article you will personalize the attributes of the appointment day and time they can book. Set your appointment location, t...
Appointment Managers (Multi-User Appointment Management)
An Appointments Manager can manage appointments for other users that have given consent to access their calendar. Your Keap Service Partner or any user with a Manager Role or higher can now create/view/edit other user's appointment types in Keap. ...
Appointments - booking page
Now that you have setup your booking page, it's time to start using it. Contacts who click your booking link will be shown a calendar and times you're available. Your availability will be displayed in the visitor's time zone. Choose a date & time...
Appointments - Reschedule or cancel appointment
If you are unable to meet with your clients or vice versa, the appointment can be reschedule or canceled. This article will review options of how you and your clients can do that. Request Reschedule You can reschedule by clicking the appoin...
Appointments - FAQ
This article reviews the in’s and out’s of Appointments. Learn about all the possibilities and time management you can achieve with one simple tool. On a contact record, when viewing the Appointments activity card, or the accompanying side panel...
Appointments - Appointment Reminders
Improve appointment attendance with email reminders With the Easy Automation titled Appointment Reminders , Keap can automatically email reminders to your contacts that have scheduled appointments with you using Keap Appointments. The first remin...
Appointments - Create appointments from a contact record
Requirements Connect a Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar Create a booking page On a contact record, when viewing the Appointments activity card, or the accompanying side panel, only appointments from the last 60 days and upcoming 60 da...
Appointments - Disconnect Google calendar
Steps to disconnect your Google Calendar Click on your avatar and choose Settings Click Integrations Open the more options menu for your connected calendar Click Disconnect Click Yes, disconnect Contacts will not be...
Appointments: Booking from calendar
Book an appointment on your calendar Click the Book now button above your daily schedule or by on appointment type Search for or add a new contact Select the appointment type Click Continue and select time Select a date and time t...
Appointments Zoom integration
Create a unique Zoom meeting link for each of your Keap Appointments. This ensures your meeting is secure and private, while saving you time by removing the need to manually create meeting links.
Appointment time zone settings
Now you can control the time zone your Appointments display in, no matter where you are in the world. As you jetset around the globe, you can have confidence that you’re scheduling appointments for times you’ll be available. Invitees will continue to see your availability based on their time zone
Appointments automation
You can automate your follow up as you create and manage your appointments. You have access to your appointments and automations in one place so that you can save time and stay focused.