Calling and voicemail

Keap Business Line helps you separate your work and personal calls. Learn how to set up your new number, create custom voicemail greetings, and make calls.


Setting up your Keap Business Line
Keap Business Line gives you a second phone number, just for your business. Letting you keep your work and personal texts and calls separate.
Change or delete your Keap Business Line Number
In rare cases, you may want to change your Keap Business Line phone number. We allow you to get a new business phone number through our app one time.
Incoming Caller ID Setup and Troubleshooting
Incoming caller ID for Keap Business Line makes it easy to know how to answer the phone—whether the call is for business or a personal call.
Receive calls with your Keap Business Line and forward them to your team
Set which phones (up to 5) should ring when you get a call to your Keap Business Line. Allow your team to answer your business phone so you never miss a lead.
Setting a Keap Business Line Ringtone
Customize your Keap Business Line ringtone so you can quickly tell when you're getting a business phone call.
Blocking Phone Numbers in Keap Business Line
Tired of getting spam calls and texts on your business phone number? Keap Business Line lets you block those numbers so you never hear from them again.
Creating Automatic Replies for Missed Calls | Keap Business Line
Convert more leads by quickly and automatically responding to missed calls to your business phone number so you can look professional and responsive.
Voicemail: Setting Up and Troubleshooting Keap Business Line voicemail
How to customize your Keap Business Line voicemail greeting and troubleshooting tips for business calls going to voicemail without ringing.
Make outbound calls with Keap | Keap Business Line
You and up to 4 of your team members can use your Keap Business Line to make outbound calls
Keap Mobile Business Line: Communication
Your Keap app includes a communications command center that’s as simple as it is powerful, including one thread for every interaction, from calls to voicemails to texts. Each thread includes all your interactions with a contact, allowing you t...