Popular Articles

  1. Embed Keap on your website

    You can embed different features of Keap directly on your website.  Embed a public form Embed your public form onto your website to make it easier to capture new leads directly into your CRM. Click on your avatar and select Settings &...
  2. Public forms

    Easily capture leads with a public form. Create your form in just a couple of minutes, then share it wherever you wish you capture contact information, such as your website, Facebook page, or Instagram account. Leads who provide their email when fil...
  3. Create a Web Form

    A web form is an external form posted to collect information from potential customers who may visit your site. It is great for capturing a lead's contact information! Keap's web forms are mobile responsive, so your form looks professional ...
  4. Add or edit a contact record

    Add a new contact Click the  Plus  icon and choose Contact  from the drop-down Or, if you are currently in the Contacts section, you can click the plus button next to the filter and sort buttons Click Show more fields ...
  5. Recurring payments

    Get paid on time, every time.  Say goodbye to the hassle of remembering to bill your clients. You can now set up recurring payments, determine payment frequency, add custom start and end dates, and pause payments when necessary. Recurring pay...
  6. Email Address Whitelisting

    "Email Whitelisting" is used to describe the act of allowing an email to reach your inbox. This is helpful if you want to make sure a certain business' email doesn't go to your spam folder. Whitelisting is typically accomplished by...
  7. Appointments - Set up your booking page

    Once your Google calendar or Outlook calendar has been connected to Keap, you will set up your booking page.  In this article you will personalize the attributes of the appointment day and time they can book. Set your appointment locati...
  8. Set Up an Email Confirmation Sequence

    An email confirmation sequence is a special type of sequence that will send an email confirmation request to contacts who opt-in to receive marketing. This gives you the ability to focus your marketing efforts on people that have confirmed their ema...
  9. Email Templates

    Spending too much time finding, copying, and pasting the same email over and over? Now, you can edit, save, and easily insert your preferred templates every time you send an email.
  10. How do I locate my application name and edition

    App Name If you need to contact customer support, they will ask for your "application Id" or "app Id" or "app name" in order to help verify your account and to access your application to assist. If you are asking for...