Popular Articles

  1. Lead scoring

    Lead scoring overview Automatic lead scoring is an objective way of assessing a prospect's level of interest based on their engagement level. Lead scoring allows sales reps to focus on their hottest leads, and prioritize their daily call list...
  2. Keap Business Line: Port a Google Voice number

    If you already have a phone number for your business with Google Voice, Keap can port your number to our partner Twilio so that you can use your existing number with Keap Business Line. When you have collected the required information, you can su...
  3. Pipeline Stage Moved Automation

    You can incorporate automation when a deal is moved into or out of a particular stage in your Pipeline. Drag a Pipeline Stage Moved goal onto the canvas Double-click to open it up and configure which stage you're either moving into or ou...
  4. Protect Your Web Form From Bot Attacks

    List bombing occurs when an email address was submitted to your web form by someone other than the owner of the address and you unknowingly sent unsolicited email. While one or two instances will surely go unnoticed, this problem can become especial...
  5. Custom Dashboard

    Keap includes the ability to customize your dashboard so you can see the information that's relevant to your business and remove the rest. Each user in Keap can customize their own dashboard to get exactly the information they need.
  6. Form Submitted goal

    Kick off automation when you submit an internal form or when someone fills out your public form with the Form submitted  goal. You can also use custom form fields and decision diamonds to build even more advanced automation. Drag the F...
  7. Web Form Tracker

    The Web Form Tracker report shows the contacts that are filling out your online web forms. Click the New Search button to filter by a specific web form, date submitted and a few other criteria. ...
  8. Zapier integration

    Please note: With 3rd party integrations, your first step in getting support is to contact the vendor, in this case Zapier, to troubleshoot any issues you are experiencing. If they determine the issue is on Keap's end, they will escalate th...
  9. Send VCF Files

    Please Note! This feature requires the free mobile app, Keap Business Line   You can share your contact information with one click by sending a contact your VCF file A VCF file is a contact file that contains your contact information. This...
  10. Invoice reminders

    As a small business owner, it’s hard to keep track of which clients you’ve sent an invoice to, and then remember to follow-up with clients that haven’t yet paid.  Keap now helps you follow-up, by sending you reminders and gett...