Popular Articles

  1. PayPal Merchant Account

    PayPal is available as a method of payment in all Keap applications. To enable PayPal Go to the Settings  option in the drop-down at the top right of the page Click on the Products, payments and invoicing section. Click the Conne...
  2. Merchant Accounts

    For those not using Keap Pay, Keap has built integrations with some of the world's leading merchant accounts to enable you to accept payments with Stripe, PayPal, eWay, or Authorize.Net (with a connected merchant account).  You can use a...
  3. How to Build an Advanced Automation Part 1 - Capture Leads

    We will capture prospects with a Landing Page, offering a free report titled, “ 7 Mistakes New Pool Owners Make That Cost Them Money ." In exchange for their email address, we will provide to them a free PDF document. Click on Automati...
  4. Spam Complaints

    Spam is essentially unsolicited email. However, when it comes to the business of email marketing, spam is whatever an email recipient marks as spam. Every person you email is empowered to report any email to their ISP as spam. The ISP then informs us through a Feedback Loop where the spam complaint came from and who sent it.
  5. Keap Business Line: Port an AT&T number

    If you already have a phone number for your business with AT&T, Keap can port your number to our partner Twilio so that you can use your existing number with Keap Business Line. When you have collected the required information, you can submit...
  6. How your from address affects email deliverability

    DMARC, Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting & Conformance, is an email authentication protocol that allows domain owners to publish a policy statement telling receiving domains what to do if their message fails SPF or DKIM authenticatio...
  7. Appointments - booking page

    Now that you have setup your booking page, it's time to start using it. Contacts who click your booking link will be shown a calendar and times you're available. Your availability will be displayed in the visitor's time zone. Choose a...
  8. Keap Mobile: Adding contacts

    Our mobile app lets Keap users add or access customer info, tasks, and notes on-the-go, keeping you prepared and ensuring you make a winning impression with customers. Mobile reminders and alerts prevent you from missing important to-do's. &nb...
  9. Spam Traps

    Spam traps are commonly used by inbox providers and blacklist providers to catch malicious senders or legitimate senders with poor email marketing practices. A spam trap looks like a real email address, but it doesn’t belong to a real person n...
  10. Field Timers

    Field Timers allow you to schedule a marketing piece based on a date or date/time field in the contact record. There are two default date fields in every contact record: Anniversary Date and Birthday Date. You can also create your own custom date or...