Popular Articles

  1. Text Message Broadcast & Automation FAQs

    Use Keap's Text message broadcasts and automations to send critical communication through text messages via a toll-free 1-800 number. Text messages have an open rate of 94%, much higher than email's ~21% open rate. This feature will initiall...
  2. Tasks dashboard widget

    Overview The Tasks   widget shows a list of tasks sorted by due date Checking a task will mark it as complete You can uncheck a task if you accidentally marked it as complete Tasks that you marked as Complete  will no long...
  3. Decision Diamonds

    When you create an automation, some of your business goals may have more than one possible outcome, and each outcome may take the contact down a different path. When this happens, Keap needs to evaluate the information available and use it to choose...
  4. Add or remove tags from contact list

    Add and remove tags from a list of contacts From the left navigation click  Contacts > People From the Contacts page select all or filter to find the contacts you want to edit. Once you have selected the contacts to edit, click Add...
  5. Stripe Merchant Account

    Set Up Stripe Navigate to the Settings  option in the drop-down at the top right of the page Click on the Products, payments and invoicing section. Click the Connect  button on the Stripe card. Login with your Stripe creden...
  6. Send and receive text messages with Keap Business Line

    Continue your Keap Business Line conversations from your Keap app right on your computer with options to include your appointment links, images, your contact information, and text message templates. Requirements  To access Business Line, yo...
  7. Create Dynamic Content with Liquid Syntax

    Liquid is a template language created by Shopify and written in Ruby. It is now available as an open source project on GitHub, and used by many different software projects and companies. Liquid is the backbone of all Shopify themes, and is used to load dynamic content to the pages of online stores. (Source: https://help.shopify.com/en/themes/liquid)
  8. Add Tasks

    You can add a task on the contact record and it will show up in your task list on the home page dashboard.  Click M ore Select Add a task Enter details for the task Click Save To view tasks or mark a task as completed fro...
  9. Adding personalization with Merge Fields

    Research has shown that emails with personalized content in the subject line or in the email body have higher open and engagement rates.  Many small business owners have seen personalized emails, and would love to have this in their business, b...
  10. Campaign Merge Fields

    Campaign merge fields are useful time-savers when information in your automation changes frequently. For example, if you have five emails in an automation that all reference a constantly changing date, a campaign merge field will save you from editi...