
Reconnect Zapier

05/03/2021Michael Indrelunas
If you have been using our Keap Zapier integration, a recent security update requires that you log in to Zapier and reconnect your Keap account to continue triggering Zaps involving Keap. This does not impact the Zapier Keap Max Classic integration....

GDPR and requests to be forgotten

01/19/2021Michael Indrelunas
As of March 17, 2021, Keap will modify our data protection features for handling privacy requests. Keap will continue to make it possible for customers to modify or erase contact information when a request is received, however we will be removing fu...

Switching Between Max Classic and Keap

03/30/2018Martin Cash
Some features are either not yet available in Keap or are not backwards-compatible with Max Classic. Visually identify your version Max Classic Keap These features are  backward-compatible The following fea...