WePay closed its UK operations in August 2023. Customers will not be able to add a new WePay connection to their Keap account. There will be more information to come.
There can be a few different reasons why an account balance isn't fully available for withdrawal. Below are several reasons, as well as some extra info about each reason:
One or more payments haven't fully processed
Pending payments are payments that are subject to minor delays from reviews. Payments are reviewed to protect merchants and payers from any malicious activity and ensure they are compliant with the WePay Terms of Service.
It can take up to two business days for us to review a pending payment. Bank payments can take longer to clear because the payer must first verify their bank account information.
Payments may clear faster if the information that we ask for is provided in the Trust Center.
The account holder needs to link their bank account
A bank account must be linked in order to receive funds from WePay. Visit the payment types page in your Keap application and click the ‘connect your bank account’ link to complete the process. Learn more
There are reserves on the account
Reserves are sometimes held to protect your business against chargebacks or disputes. We set your reserves based on the transaction history in your account as well as the information you provide in your profile, your industry, and how you’re using WePay.