New email builder vs. legacy email builder

This article applies to:

Check out the table below to see the features included in the new builder and what’s coming soon!

Features New Builder Legacy Builder
Disable the legacy email for free trial, and all new customers
Live Now N/A
Send test emails to non-users
July 2024
Customize the "From" field in test emails
July  2024
Search for uploaded images
July 2024
Convert legacy emails into the new builder
Live Now
Preview how merge fields will look in test emails
In discovery
Send email broadcasts to emails 2 and 3
In discovery
Send email broadcasts from custom field values (for sending name and email)
In discovery
Add File download to hyperlinks
In discovery
Editor Tools
Content Y Y
Custom Blocks/Groups Y N
Static Group N Y
Body/Design Y Y
Columns Y N
Button Y Y
Divider Y Y
Heading Y Y
HTML code Y Y
Images Y Y
Stock Images Y N
Menu Y N
Social Y Y
Text Y Y
Timer Y N
Video Y Y
Appointments (only available in Pro and Max) Y N
File download Y Y
Signature Y Y
Spacer N Y
Spam checks Y Y
Templates Y Y
Text only Y N
Create blank email Y Y
Create HTML email Y Y
Import legacy template N Y
My templates Y Y
Previously sent Y Y
Drafts Y Y
Preview template (desktop and mobile) Y Y
Dynamic Content
Send test email to multiple users Y Y
Export HTML Y N
Save as template Y Y
Preview email (desktop and mobile) Y Y
Audit content Y N
Emojis Y N
Merge fields Y Y
Multiple tags Y Y
Campaign links Y Y
Hyperlinks Y Y
Custom merge fields Y Y
Send from custom domain Y Y
Advanced search for contacts N Y
A/B testing N Y
Supports content publishing Y Y