
Connect Keap to WordPress


Install the WordPress Plugin on your Website
Follow the instructions below to set up our WordPress plugin on your WordPress website. This plugin will allow you to create beautiful, interactive and Keap-compatible web forms on your WordPress site  Important Note!  You can only connect your ac...
Connect Keap To Your WordPress Website
Important Note!  You can only connect your Keap account to one WordPress website. Connecting it to multiple sites will result in new contact records not being created! The plug-in also does support multi-site installations of WordPress as this is...
Create a WordPress Opt-In Form
Before starting, complete WordPress Plugin set-up , and identify where and how you want the opt-in form to show up on your web page, and what type of information that you want to capture from your web site visitors.  Log into your WordPress a...
Automate something when someone fills out your WordPress form
First, you need to install the WordPress Opt-In form on your website You then need to connect it to your Keap account Next, you will actually build a WordPress Opt-In form . When the form is ready, move on to the next step. Drag the Word...