After Approval


Updating E-Commerce themes for tokenized payments
Keap is updating how it securely stores credit card information, called tokenization. This will be rolled out to all payment processors integrated with Keap. If you are processing tokenized payments, you will need to review the themes that are act...
Transition to Tokenized Payment Methods
Keap is changing how we store your client’s credit card data and how you will be able to interact with it. We don’t want to alarm you, as this should be a fairly minor or non adjustment to your business processes, however it is a needed transition...
Keap Pay - Payments
Keap Pay is Keap’s very own payment solution that helps businesses streamline the payment experience for their customers, obtain clearer financial business insights and follow the entire customer journey directly within their Keap App. Plus, with K...
Keap Pay - Deposits
Keap Pay is Keap’s very own payment solution that helps businesses streamline the payment experience for their customers, obtain clearer financial business insights and follow the entire customer journey directly within their Keap App. Plus, with...