Legacy API Keys Deadline - October 31, 2024
We have reached the legacy API keys cutoff date of October 31, 2024. At 10:00 AM this morning the legacy API keys will be disabled. Keap apps with APIs using legacy keys will no longer authenticate, resulting in failed/errored connections.
For Keap apps still showing pertinent traffic, an in-app notification will be sent out.
For customers who still need extra time, we will be extending the opportunity to reinstate those services for a very limited time upon request. This extension is only for a very short time and there is a cost associated, so it does require authorization.
Customers can reach out to their Customer Support or create a ticket in the Dev Portal to get started. They can use the link in their in-app notification also.
Below are the details of this extension period:
- You will need to demonstrate you are authorized to make charges to the account.
- The extension deadline is January 30, 2025, 10am, MST.
- The migration must be completed in full, tested and working by Jan. 30th, 2025.
- There is a monthly fee of $250 per month for this extension ($750 over 90 days).
- The extension will be for 90 days only.
- There will not be any additional extensions or exceptions.
- You are not required to use the full 90 days, but you must contact us if you wish to cancel the extension prior to the end of the 90 days.
- Contact us, via email ([email protected]) to discontinue billing and disable your legacy API keys.
By requesting an extension you are agreeing that you understand all of the above and agree to these terms and charges.
We encourage you to reach out to our preferred API experts to help ensure you can meet this final deadline. Here is the link to assist you with your transition.